The liturgical life of the Church revolves around the sacraments, with the Eucharist at the center (National Directory for Catechesis, #35). At Mass, we are fed by the Word and nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ. We believe that the Risen Jesus is truly and substantially present in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is not a sign or symbol of Jesus; rather we receive Jesus himself in and through the Eucharistic species. The priest, through the power of his ordination and the action of the Holy Spirit, transforms the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus. This is call transubstantiation.
In the gospels we read that the Eucharist was instituted at the Last Supper. This is the fulfillment of the covenants in the Hebrew Scriptures. In the Last Supper narratives, Jesus took, broke and gave bread and wine to his disciples. In the blessing of the cup of wine, Jesus calls it “the blood of the covenant” (Matthew and Mark) and the “new covenant in my blood” (Luke).
This reminds us of the blood ritual with which the covenant was ratified at Sinai (Ex 24) -- the sprinkled the blood of sacrificed animals united God and Israel in one relationship, so now the shed blood of Jesus on the cross is the bond of union between new covenant partners -- God the Father, Jesus and the Christian Church. Through Jesus’ sacrifice, all the baptized are in relationship with God.
En los evangelios leemos que la Eucaristía fue instituida en la Última Cena. Este es el cumplimiento de los pactos en las Escrituras Hebreas. En los relatos de la Última Cena, Jesús tomó, partió y dio pan y vino a sus discípulos. En la bendición de la copa de vino, Jesús la llama “la sangre del pacto” (Mateo y Marcos) y el “nuevo pacto en mi sangre” (Lucas).
Esto nos recuerda el ritual de sangre con el que se ratificó la alianza en el Sinaí (Ex 24): la sangre rociada de los animales sacrificados unía a Dios e Israel en una sola relación, así que ahora la sangre derramada de Jesús en la cruz es el vínculo de unión entre los socios del nuevo pacto: Dios el Padre, Jesús y la Iglesia cristiana. A través del sacrificio de Jesús, todos los bautizados están en relación con Dios.
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Les damos la bienvenida a todos a ser parte de nuestra familia parroquial.
(309) 764-1562
412 10th St, Floreciente, Moline, IL, 61265, United States